Recommended Reading


Forensic Science:  An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques, “Questioned Documents” – Howard Seiden and F. Harley Norwitch, Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2003.

A college text covering overviews of the modern forensic laboratory and disciplines.


Evidential Documents – James V.P. Conway, Springfield, Charles C. Thomas, 1959.

A shorter book, rather easily understood by the non-Document Examiner and an excellent preparatory study for the Attorney/Investigator.


Suspect Documents – Wilson Harrison, London, The Eastern Press, 1958.

Although starting to show its age, this book is an exceptional text for the apprentice examiner and a thorough reference for the established examiner.  After the blitz of London in World War II, Harrison was charged with the recovery of many burned documents.  His recovery methods are still in use today.


Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents (Revised Edition) – Ordway Hilton, New York, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1982.

Hilton’s text for all practical purposes  has become the “Bible” for document examiners.   It is probably the most thorough text on Questioned Documents.


While there are several texts by Albert D. and Albert S. Osborn that are required study by apprentice examiners, they are quite dated when it comes to modern writing implements, papers, office equipment, court procedures, etc.  They are, however, right on when it comes to the handwriting and the signature comparison process and much better than counting sheep on a sleepless night.

Questioned Documents (second edition) – Albert S. Osborn, Albany, Boyd Printing Company, 1929

Questioned Document Problems – Albert S. Osborn & Albert D. Osborn, Albany, Boyd Printing Company, 1944.

The Problem of Proof – Albert S. Osborn, Newark, The Essex Press, 1926.



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